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The partners of HMS connect have extensive experience in corporate ownership succession and M&A projects, corporate financing incl. valuation, as well as real estate project management and disposals and corporate strategy development - especially in medium-sized businesses in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. The team has successfully completed over 70 M&A projects and shareholder successions, as well as numerous projects in real estate development & project management, strategy development, efficiency and profit improvement. The senior team is supported in project implementation by younger team members.

Experienced senior team



Dr. Matthias H. Schabus
Partner, Co-Founder

15+ years of corporate finance experience

M&A, shareholder successions, corporate financing, valuations

Co-Founder HMS connect

Experience at UBS, PE Fund Clyde Blowers Capital (UK) and PE Fund Cross Equity Partners (CH)

Dr. ETH Zurich, mechanical engineering and economics studies in GER, USA, CH


Christoph Hett

15+ years of corporate finance, banking and start-up experience

M&A, real estate projects including development, financing, valuation, venture financing & strategy

Experience at UBS, start-ups, CFO online retail / dig. trading platform

Studied management and economics in GER & USA


Cyril Hafner

15+ years of corporate finance and banking experience

M&A, financing, valuation, IPO advisory, transaction structuring in private and public companies

Experience at PWC, UBS, Nomura, and as entrepreneur 

Studied management and economics at the University of Zurich


Wolf-Günter Freese
Senior Advisor

25+ years of experience in operational, strategic & financial management in trade & industry


Experience includes roles & mandates as BoD member (VR / AR), CEO & CFO in private and listed, medium sized comapnies in CH, GER and AUT

Certified auditor & business economist FH Switzerland


In project management, we rely on success factors that have crystallised from the experience of our many years of advisory. In doing so, we strive for excellence for the benefit of our clients and can fundamentally exclude conflicts of interest due to our structure!

Experience & professionalism

  • A strategic project of a business (e.g. company acquisition, spin-off, etc.) is a very confidential and sensitive task that can only be completed successfully with a lot of experience and sensitivity. Due to our partners' many years of experience in such projects, we address challenges pro-actively. 

  • The HMS team chooses a prudent and pragmatic work approach in order to find the best sustainable solution for the client, and others involved.


Our values are the cornerstones of our activity and thus the compass of our work. As an entrepreneurial and highly specialised advisory firm, we see ourselves as a partner to our clients, whom we support comprehensively, independently and with a great deal of entrepreneurial commitment. 


HMS has been an independent consulting company owned by the partners since it was founded in 2016. This autonomy gives the team the freedom to determine its own entrepreneurial actions and to pursue long-term goals and to focus 100% on the interests of the customers. This independence is the guarantee for trust and continuity in the often long-term cooperation with our customers.


The HMS partners are entrepreneurs out of conviction and passion. We are focused on measurable project results and rely on entrepreneurial thinking and acting. Initiative and commitment are required! The assumption of entrepreneurial risks in the form of highly success-related fees illustrates our conviction for successful customer-focused implementation.

Customer focus

We strive for unusual solutions for our customers and share the entrepreneurial risk. We always see ourselves as a sparring partner in order to optimally identify customer needs and implement tailor-made solutions. The focus is always on people. For creative implementation ideas, we work in our team with decades of professional experience.


Enthusiasm for quality is a decisive motivating factor in our work. 110% is our claim and we see ourselves as "doers" - people who convince with professional competence and inspire with character. The quality orientation serves the team   as a common basis, identity and intellectual challenge.


Trust and the highest standards of integrity are the benchmark when dealing with our partners, customers, employees and competitors. We only promise what we can deliver and keep to our agreements and understandings. The concept of "handshake quality" and reliability determine our attitude and our actions.


Unconditional confidentiality is essential for close and open cooperation with our clients. Securing this trust in the long term is the central credo and understanding in all our discussions - whether formalized in an in-depth cooperation or in the first discussion. 

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